Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Learning about Whole Number and Operation in the Context of Elementary Teacher Education in the United States, als mathdidak
16.06.2016, 16:30 Uhr -
M433, Mathematikgebäude 4. Etage
Prospective elementary school teachers (PSTs) often hold incorrect or insufficient conceptions of multidigit whole numbers and operation when entering our content courses. In this study I address three problems that arise when working with PSTs to develop their conceptions: (1) PSTs often do not recognize that they have something to learn. (2) After PSTs have learned something, they often feel that they knew it all along and just needed a refresher. (3) PSTs often do not perceive mathematics activities as fun or engaging and do not perceive the mathematics tasks in their university content courses as authentic or relevant for their future careers. I share one intervention (a video taped interview) designed addressed the first and second point. The interview helped PSTs recognize that they had something to learn, and when reviewed at the end, realize that they did learn something. I share a second intervention (a family math night) designed to address the third problem, the family math night motivated the PSTs to remain engaged.
Ph. D. Eva Thanheiser
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Portland State University (USA)