Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Isotropy of involutions over splitting fields in characteristic 2 , als obsgua
14.06.2012, 16:15 -
E 23
To any nonsingular symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear form we can
associate an involution on a split central simple algebra. This gives us a
correspondence that allows us to study involutions on split algebras by
using the well developed theory of quadratic and bilinear forms. One aim
in the current study of algebras with involution is to find field
extensions which split the algebra, but which do not alter certain
properties of the involution, so that these properties may be studied
using bilinear forms.
In this talk we will show that in characteristic 2 the isotropy behaviour
of involutions (of the first kind) when passing to a splitting field can
be found in a relatively elementary manner. To do this we apply a refined
version of Witt`s decomposition theorem for hermitian forms.
Dr. Andrew Dolphin
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Universität Konstanz