Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Researching the discourses of university mathematics: The potentialities and challenges of the commognitive approach , als mathdidak
01.02.2018, 16:30 - -
M433, Mathematikgebäude 4. Etage
In this seminar I will outline the main tenets of the commognitive approach and I will exemplify its application in studies that investigate the learning and teaching of mathematics at university level. Following an overview of such applications, I will focus on two projects that I am currently involved in which explore commognitive conflicts often occurring in the early stages of students study of mathematics at university. One concerns students and lecturers assessment discourses in the context of a mathematics undergraduate programme. The other concerns teaching mathematics to non-specialists and focuses on the use of mathematical modelling to improve students competence and confidence in as well as appreciation of mathematics in their discipline (in this case: biology). Data include lecturer interviews and student examination scripts in the first example project, and video-recording of teaching sessions in the second.
Frau Prof. Dr. Elena Nardi,
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
University of East Anglia (NO)