Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Active Flux Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Complex Geometries, als ans
15.01.2019, 14:15 Uhr -
Mathematikgebäude, Seminarraum 1011
We discuss finite volume methods for hyperbolic pdes on Cartesian
grids with embedded boundaries. Embedded boundary methods are very
attractive for several reasons: The grid generation is simple even in
the presence of complicated geometries. Furthermore, such an approach
allows the use of regular Cartesian grid methods away from the embedded
boundary, which are much simpler to construct and more accurate than
unstructured grid methods.
In embedded boundary grids with cut cells adjacent to the boundary, the
cut cell volumes can be orders of magnitude smaller than a regular
Cartesian grid cell volume. The use of standard difference procedures
would lead to an unacceptable small integration timestep. Both accuracy
and stability are issues that need to be addressed at these highly
irregular cut cells adjacent to solid bodies.
The goal is to construct a method which is stable for time steps that
are appropriate for the regular part of the mesh and at the same time
do not lead to a loss of accuracy. While previous finite volume cut
cell methods have been constructed to obtain a second order accurate
method, we are interested in higher order schemes. On the regular part
of the grid we use the so called active flux method, a new finite
volume method proposed by Roe et al.
In my talk, after a short review of finite volumes methods, the active
flux method will be explained in detail. 1d and 2d considerations will
lead us to preliminiary results on the use of the active flux method
for cut cells. Finally, a possible extension to nonlinear systems of
equations will be introduced and its use in cut cell methods will be
David Kerkmann
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf