
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Scaffolding language in multilingual mathematics classrooms, als mathdidak


10.07.2014, 16.30 - -

M433, Mathematikgebäude 4. Etage
As a consequence of increasing numbers of migrants wordwide, teachers face the challenge of teaching in linuistically diverse classrooms. Drawing on sociocultural and content-based language instruction theories, the main question oft he thesis presented is how teachers in multilingual primary classrooms can scaffold pupils’ language required for mathematical learning. This PhD research provides scientifically grounded insights into how language-oriented mathematics education can be designed, enacted an evaluated.
Frau Jantien Smit, Ph.D
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Academie Pedagogiek en Onderwijs, Enschede (NL)