Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Exact $L_2$-small ball probabilities for finite-dimensional perturbations of Gaussian processes, als osanadyn
23.01.2018, 14:15 Uhr - 15:15 Uhr
M 511
I consider the problem of small ball probabilities for Gaussian processes in $L_2$-norm. I focus on the processes which are important in statistics (e.g. Kac-Kiefer-Wolfowitz processes), which are finite dimentional perturbations of
Gaussian processes.
Depending on the properties of the kernel and perturbation matrix I consider two cases: non-critical and critical.
* For non-critical case I prove the general theorem for precise asymptotics of small deviations.
* For a huge class of critical processes I prove a general theorem in the same spirit as for non-critical processes, but technically much more difficult.
* At the same time a lot of processes naturally appearing in statistics (e.g. Durbin, detrended processes) are not covered by those general theorems, so I treat them separately using methods of spectral theory and complex analysis.
Yulia Petrova
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
St. Petersburg