Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Seeking out and taking advantage of opportunities for mathematical literacy across the curriculum, als mathdidak
03.11.2016, 16:30 Uhr -
M433, Mathematikgebäude 4. Etage
In this presentation I will report on a program of research that has focused on assisting teachers to plan and implement mathematical literacy tasks and strategies across the school curriculum. Typically, teachers participating in projects within this program developed a richer understanding of mathematical literacy through professional learning that emphasised the role of context; mathematical knowledge; student dispositions; tools; and a critical perspective. Further, teachers also advanced their capability to identify opportunities and actualize mathematical literacy tasks that promoted student learning a in range of different subject areas. The current focus of this research program is on the description of creative processes, utilised by teachers expert in promoting mathematical literacy, in developing effective learning tasks.
Mr Vincent Geiger
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
ACU Australian Catholic University (AUS)