Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Bifurcation without parameters: ODE and PDE examples, als mathkol
16.06.2008, 17:15 Uhr -
M E28
Standard bifurcation theory is concerned with families of vector elds involving one or several constant real parameters.
The constant parameter provides a foliation of the total phase space. Frequently the presence of a trivial equilibrium
manifold is also imposed. Bifurcation without parameters, in contrast, discards the foliation by a constant parameter.
Only the trivial equilibrium manifold is preserved. A rich dynamic phenomenology arises when normal hyperbolicity
of the trivial equilibrium fails, due to zero or purely imaginary eigenvalues. Specically, we address Hopf bifurcation,
Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation, and Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation with additional time reversal symmetries, all in absence
of parameters. We illustrate consequences of our results with examples from ordinary and partial dierential equations
arising in systems of coupled oscillators, in the analysis and numerics of hyperbolic conservation and balance laws, and
in the
uid dynamics of plane Kolmogorov
ows. The results are joint work with Andrei Afendikov, James C. Alexander,
and Stefan Liebscher. For references see
16.45 Uhr in Raum M 614
Prof. Dr. Bernold Fiedler
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
FU Berlin
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