
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

On the stability of a point charge for the Vlasov-Poisson system , als obsaupd


27.06.2023, 14:15 Uhr -

We consider the dynamics of the repulsive Vlasov-Poisson equations near a point charge, addressing the question of its stability: For solutions which start as small, smooth and suitably localized perturbations of a point charge we capture the precise asymptotic behavior. Building on optimal decay estimates, this is revealed to be a modified scattering dynamic. Our analysis relies on the Hamiltonian/symplectic structure of the equations, and makes use of an exact integration of the linearized equation through angle-action coordinates. This is joint work with Jiaqi Yang (ICERM) and Benoit Pausader (Brown University).
Klaus Widmayer
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