
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Challenges of reseaching the impact of professional development in South Africa: The case of the Transition Maths 1 course, als mathdidak


13.10.2022, 16:30 -

Researching the impact of professional development (PD) is a long-standing challenge in education. More than 20 years ago Guskey (2000) proposed a hierarchical model for evaluating PD interventions. More than 10 years ago Desimone (2009) argued that there is sufficient consensus on the core features of effective PD to develop a common conceptual framework to provide a suitable base to research the effectiveness of PD more rigorously. But many challenges remain and these are greater in the global south. My presentation focuses on researching the impact of a PD intervention for secondary mathematics teachers conducted by the Wits Maths Connect Secondary project in South Africa. I share as a member of the team that conceptualised, developed and taught the course, and then evaluated its impact on teachers’ mathematical knowledge and on their students’ attainment. Will my evidence convince you that the course had an impact on teachers and their learners? Will journal reviewers be convinced?
Professor Dr. Craig Pournara
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
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