
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Remarks on the asymptotic behaviour of the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrodinger operators, als osanadyn


04.05.2021, 15:00 Uhr - 15:45 Uhr

In this talk we discuss recent results on the asymptotic behaviour of the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrodinger operators in the limit of large intervals. The spectral gap, being defined as the difference between the first two eigenvalues, is a classical object in the spectral theory of operators but it also appears frequently in more applied settings. As a main objective, we will derive upper and lower bounds on the spectral gap for certain (and quite general) classes of potentials. Doing this, we will also come across some relatively surprising findings (partially, this is based on joint work with M. Täufer).
Weitere Vorträge in der Reihe sind unter einsehbar.
Joachim Kerner
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
FernUni Hagen
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