
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

On the optimality and decay of p-Hardy weights on locally finite graphs , als osanadyn


17.10.2023, 14:15 - 15:00

M 511
The Hardy inequality stands in the core of mathematical physics as having a Hardy inequality is strongly connected to hyperbolic manifolds and graphs, transient jump processes and subcritical energy functionals. Thus, it connects geometry, probability theory and analysis in a certain sense. Besides studying the validity of the inequality, the discussion of the optimality of the corresponding weights is of main interest. In this talk, we introduce the corresponding quasi-linear setting on locally finite graphs and show a method to obtain optimal Hardy weights. We illustrate this method on various examples. Moreover, we show a decay condition for Hardy weights. If the time permits, we also discuss characterisations of having a Hardy inequality in the quasi-linear setting.
Dr. Florian Fischer
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