
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Wavelet Frames in Sobolev Spaces and the Projection Method , als mathkol


23.04.2007, 17:15 Uhr -

E 28
Wavelets in Sobolev spaces are of interest in numerical algorithms, though most traditional wavelets are analyzed and constructed in the square integrable function space L^2(R). In this talk, we shall first present a short overview on some background of wavelets in L^2(R). Then we shall discuss pairs of dual wavelet frames (and Riesz wavelet bases) in Sobolev spaces H^s(R). We shall see that many classical results on wavelets in the space L^2(R) can be naturally extended into the setting of wavelets in Sobolev spaces. Finally, we shall discuss how to construct pairs of dual wavelet frames in Sobolev spaces via the projection method. Some examples will be provided to illustrate the theoretical results.
Tee: 16.45 Uhr, Raum 614
Prof. Bin Han
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
University of Alberta