
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Ressourcen in der und für die Lehreraus- und Fortbildung: Interaktion Lehrer-Ressource, als mathdidak


02.07.2015, 16.30 -

M433, Mathematikgebäude 4. Etage
Teachers work with mathematics curriculum resources all the time, inside and outside the mathematics classroom: teachers interact with such materials for their lesson preparations; in/for mathematics instruction in class; for assessment and subsequent re-design of their courses, to name but a few. Furthermore, such materials are the focus of professional development sessions and of meetings with colleagues in school, where mathematics teachers design and transform curriculum materials in/for their instruction, and in that process develop valuable knowledge in/for teaching mathematics. In this presentation I investigate the notion of ‘re-source’ in terms of the teacher-resource interaction, that is (1) a teacher’s individual work and (2) teachers working in collectives with resources.
Prof. Dr. Birgit Pepin
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Universiteit Eindhoven (NL)