
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Sharp Ridges in a Variational Problem for Convex Functions, als obsaupd


24.01.2024, 16:15 Uhr -

We consider a thin elastic sheet with two disclinations in a variational framework, in the so-called von-Karman approximation. Under the non-physical assumption that the out-of-plane deplacement is a convex function, we prove that minimizers display a sharp ridge between the two disclinations. Furthermore we prove the associated energy scaling law (with upper and lower bounds that match up to logarithmic factors in the thickness of the sheet). We note that our result can also be read as a stability result for certain degenerate solutions of the two-dimensional Monge-Ampère equation. Joint work with Peter Gladbach (Bonn)
Der Vortrag wird aufgrund des Bahnstreiks auf den 13.03.2024 verschoben.
Heiner Olbermann
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