
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Doing Subtraction by Addition, als mathdidak


30.04.2009, 16:30 -

M 411
Subtraction problems of the type a - b = ? can be flexibly solved by various strategies, including the indirect addition strategy (``how much do I have to add to b to get at a?``). Relatively little research has been done on the use of the indirect addition strategy with single-digit or multi-digit numbers. The present literature review entails a summary of a number of recent and closely related studies done by the authors on this issue, in relation to other relevant research by others. We end with a discussion of some theoretical, methodological, and educational implications of the studies being reviewed.
Prof. Dr. Lieven Verschaffel
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
KU Leuven, Departement of Educational Sciences