
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Regularity results for Legendre-Hadamard elliptic systems, als obsaupd


09.02.2022, 16:15 Uhr -

TU Dortmund, Raum M611
I will discuss the regularity of solutions to quasilinear systems satisfying a Legendre-Hadamard ellipticity condition. For such systems it is known that weak solutions may which fail to be C^1 in any neighbourhood, so we cannot expect a general regularity theory. However if we assume an a-priori regularity condition of the solutions we can rule out such counterexamples. Focusing on solutions to Euler-Lagrange systems, I will present an improved regularity results for solutions whose gradient satisfies a suitable BMO / VMO condition. Ideas behind the proof will be presented in the interior case, and global consequences will also be discussed.
Christopher Irving
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