
Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik

Developing Mathematics Teaching Through Critical Inquiry, als mathdidak


28.04.2011, 16:30 -

Mathematikgebäude Mathetower M433
Mathematics teaching often takes on an established form according to the educational system, school organisation, teaching norms and expectations and students` preferred working styles. Research has referred to such established forms as ``normal desirable states`` (Brown and McIntyre, 1993). However, in terms of effective learning of mathematics the forms are often not so ``desirable``. I will discuss an approach to developing mathematics teaching in which teachers and didacticians collaborate to look critically at the norms and expectations of teaching practice through developmental research involving inquiry-based innovation. I will show that both groups learn through such collaboration and that knowledge of teaching grows concommitantly. I will discuss issues that arise for mathematics teaching development and their relation to the theories involved.
Prof. Dr. Barbara Jaworski
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Loughborough University (GB)