Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
Novikov homology and Novikov fundamental group, als mathkol osanadyn
23.04.2019, 14.15 Uhr -
Mathematikgebäude, Raum M511
In my talk I shall first give a short survey on Novikov homology and its applications.
Then I shall outline the construction of Novikov fundamental group, which is a refinement of Novikov homology, and its applications that have been introduced and investigated in our recent joint work with Jean Francois Barraud, Agnes Gabled and Roman Golovko (
Then I shall outline the construction of Novikov fundamental group, which is a refinement of Novikov homology, and its applications that have been introduced and investigated in our recent joint work with Jean Francois Barraud, Agnes Gabled and Roman Golovko (
Kaffee und Tee um 13.30 Uhr im Raum M618
Prof. Dr. Hông Vân Lê
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prag (Tschechien)
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