Veranstaltungen der Fakultät für Mathematik
GAMM-Workshop on Computational Optimization with PDEs, als mathkol
10.09.2014, ab ca. 9 Uhr -
The GAMM activity groups 'Optimization with Partial Differential Equations' and 'Computational Science and Engineering' organize a joint workshop on computational aspects in the optimization of problems modeled by PDEs.
With this workshop we wish to bring together international experts in the fields of scientific computing and PDE constrained optimization. Moreover the workshop shall give an overview over most recent results and future challenges in the interface between these two fields . In this way, we hope to stimulate the research in computational optimization with PDEs and develop new promising perspectives for future research and cooperations.
With this workshop we wish to bring together international experts in the fields of scientific computing and PDE constrained optimization. Moreover the workshop shall give an overview over most recent results and future challenges in the interface between these two fields . In this way, we hope to stimulate the research in computational optimization with PDEs and develop new promising perspectives for future research and cooperations.
Workshop: 10. bis 12. September 2014
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer, Prof. Dr. Stefan Turek
Herkunft der/des Vortragenden
Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund
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