
Vorlesung im Detail

Calculus of variations (Variationsrechnung)

011502, SS23
Dozentinnen und Dozenten
Veranstaltungstyp (SWS)
Vorlesung (4+2)
Ort und Zeit
  • M/611 Di 16:00 2h
  • M/611 Mi 14:00 2h
Modul-Zugehörigkeit (ohne Gewähr)
  • DPL:E:-:-
  • MABA:-:3:MAT-322
  • WIMABA:-:3:MAT-322
  • TMABA:-:3:MAT-322
  • MAMA:-:3:MAT-322
  • DPL:B:-:2
  • TMAMA:-:3:MAT-322
  • WIMAMA:-:3:MAT-322
Sprechstunde zur Veranstaltung
by agreement
ohne Angabe
Erforderliche Voraussetzungen
Analysis I-III, knowledge of Sobolev Spaces. Functional analysis is helpful but not required
Calculus of Variations is that area of mathematics defined from the following problem: determine, in a given family of objects, the one that minimize (or maximize) a certain quantity. Such objects can be functions, curves, surfaces, or other. The aim of the course is that of giving an introduction of the subject and to present the main classical problems. More precisely we will focus on: • Classical methods: Euler-Lagrange equation, hamiltonian formulation, Hamilton-Jacobi equation; • Direct methods: the Dirichlet integral, existence theorems, relaxation theory; • Regularity theory; • Minimal surfaces: parametric and non-parametric formulations, the classical Plateau problem, existence of solutions via Douglas-Rado approach; • Isoperimetric inequality in dimension 2.
Link zum Modulhandbuch Mathematik
Empfohlene Literatur
  • Introduction to the Calculus of Variations from Bernard Dacorogna.

Übung zur Veranstaltung

Nummer der Übung
Dozentinnen und Dozenten
  • M/511 Do 16:00 2h

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